A Journey with My Father

Starting the adventure...
Well, finally, the day came.
I woke up very early before my father and tried to calm the butterflies in my stomach. I was as curious as a cat concerning where all of this was leading.
I took my bath, wore a gorgeously looking dress with one of my latest shoes, and dragged my big travelling bag out, filled with a lot of clothes and shoes.
I sat on one of the sofas, tapping my foot while looking at the time, which to me was dragging on very slowly, waiting for my father to come out.
When he finally came out about 5:30 in the morning, he was wearing a cowboy hat, a loose tee shirt, a three-quarter shorts, and a walk boot with a small bag slung across his shoulder.
When he saw me, he burst into laughter because of the clothes I wore and the amount of weight I had packed.
It felt like I would burst from the nerves building inside of me.
He gave me a smaller set of what he was wearing and told me to get into them quickly and take a small bag where I should put all that I thought was necessary, meaning a small load.
I was amused and asked him why I should leave most of my things behind for just a small load, and he responded by saying
"Sweetheart, in the journey of life, we have to be simple many times and not let the burdens of life wear us down."
Even though I didn’t grasp the full meaning of what he said , I smiled at him and did what he asked me to because I was overjoyed at this alone time I was getting to spend with my dad on this journey with my father.
# triplec # writing challenge
Now I am beginning to get confused. Is this a journey in life or a journey with my dad, and why does it seem like it’s becoming more of a mystery than an adventure? Please tell me what you think in the comments section. Don’t forget to press the clap button 50 times if you read it all the way to this point.