I guess everyone is afraid of something
Some are scared of failure
Some of challenges
Some of living without a purpose
Most of death
The Bible rebukes fear
Infact it is highly discouraged
But one way or the other it slips in uncounciously
Many people think fear is based on the big things they don’t want to happen
Uncounciously though, fear still finds it’s way in
Through insecurities it hides
And remains caged with a bold font
I am afraid to love
Yeah I know it sounds typical
Nevertheless, it is what I fear the most
To love is to trust with all
To let down all guards and have no secrets
To be totally open without being in the dark
God wants it, infact He commands it
With a personal example Himself through Jesus Christ His son
He manifested it
Coming down in flesh, everyday he bore the mockery and hurt
Gave all He had
Every bit of Him
His strength, power and all
Even to the pieces of clothing on His body and the last drop of His blood
Beforehand, He knew of all this
Yet He gave His all
This kind of love, I pray you Lord to give me
The perfect kind of love that cast out all fears
To give my all into bits without being afraid
To not fear dropping my guards
Even if it means being trampled upon
Especially with how I hate being looked down upon
A love so true that even if all it does is to give
It never dies.
# triplec # triplec x # triplewritingchallenge
Is there one fear you struggle with, that you want to let go but clings on tight? Hit the comment session and let me see how you tell it off